Statement of Inclusivity

Policy Purpose and Scope

This evidence guide is about the way in which the organisation ensures that its services are accessible to all people eligible to access a NDIS service provider. This policy applies to Beyond Potential Supports staff and management.


Beyond Potential Supports is committed to social inclusion and community participation in the delivery and expansion of services to participants who are disadvantaged and work in partnership with the community, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, culturally and linguistically diverse groups, people with different sexual-orientations and those with disabilities.

Beyond Potential Supports will follow the principles and promotion of inclusion. Staff will be trained to follow these principles and promotion strategies.

Community Participation and Integration

Community participation is a practice that places people at the heart of all activities. This participation is carried out by people and with people, rather than on people or to people. Community participation also known as community engagement or community action. This participation may include:

  • Education
  • Shopping
  • Work
  • Social activities
  • Volunteering or joining clubs or groups
  • Interacting with others; with similar interests.

Beyond Potential Supports promotes inclusion by:

  • Working closely with a network of health and allied health professionals to be able to support the holistic needs of our participants.
  • Building effective partnerships with participants and their families and support people to discuss and build on shared priorities and the participant’s individual needs and goals.
  • Focused efforts on building social inclusion and participation opportunities within range of services provided.
  • Providing information on community events and other relevant networks that meet participant’s needs and identified goals.
  • Working within the participant’s networks and supports including childcare, kinder, school or home environments, which allows Beyond Potential Supports to assist the participant to foster relationships and participate in familiar surroundings.
  • Having a community linkages policy that outlines the ways in which Beyond Potential Supports will work with other communities for the betterment of their participants.
  • Operating within the Beyond Potential Supports equity and access policy to ensure all people can access our service.