We’ve just launched our new brand and website!

After months of exploring who we are and what we do, Beyond Potential Supports is proud to launch our new website and introduce you to our brand.

We are Beyond Potential Supports, a new kind of NDIS Accommodation and Community Access provider based in Raymond Terrace and serving the Lower Hunter.

We want to challenge the industry to do better, and we’re here to try and lead by example. To achieve this, we’re guided by our values every day.

  • Be Passionate in what we do and who we do it for.
  • Be Inclusive in how we think, speak and act.
  • Be Authentic and transparent in the way we operate.
  • Be Present and listen first to understand and support.

As a family business, it’s important for us to be our authentic selves. So we wanted a logo that captured our sense of fun as much as it does our passion for what we do. We think our designer got it just right! Here are a few words about the new look from our designer, Martin.

“Beyond Potential grew out from a need to give people with disability the best support possible. It was about opening opportunities and making it fun and inclusive. It was only natural that we support the brand’s values and vision with an identity to match. 

We’ve got a hidden house in the logo, a door opening, and the colour palette screams fun and inviting. This all flows into the extended brand, giving the Beyond team an identity that’s unique and will get them ready for the next 10 years (at least)!

The logotype is inspired by an old kid’s TV programme, but it’s a secret as to which one. You’ll have to ask me if your guess is correct!”

You’ll see our new look not just here on our website, but out in the streets as well across our vehicles and our uniforms too. We’re excited to show off what else we’ve been doing here at Beyond, so please do follow our social accounts and check back in here for more updates from time to time.

The Beyond Potential Supports team